This compliance statement informs you of the regulatory details surrounding the company providing the On-Line Ground School System, the data that is held about you after you have registered, how we might share that information, and your agreement as to how we may contact you, and for what purposes. This is in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as it applies in the UK, tailored by the Data Protection Act 2018, in accordance with the UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) guidance, statutory ICO codes of practice, and European guidance published by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB).
The On-Line Ground School System is provided by:
Easy PPL Limited
c/o Richard Edwards & Co
The Maltings
Essex CO9 1HZ
Tel. 07809 116676
The following customer data is held by the organisation after you have registered on the On-Line Ground School System:
In particular it is stressed that the On-Line Ground School System does not retain nor parse any user financial information such as bank account details.
This data will be retained by the organisation for a period of 5 years from the date of expiry of the last course subscribed to.
The data is securely held on-line within the Easy PPL Ground School System. Secure access to that data is solely granted to the proprietors of the organisation for use in strict containment within the business of the organisation.
The organisation will not transfer any customer data to any other third party.
The data will be for sole use within the confines of the On-Line Ground School System which are:
The customer has the following rights as defined under GDPR (see
By ticking the check-box associated with Registration to the On-Line Ground School System, you (the customer) confirm that you agree to your data being stored, processed and used according to the details above.
You can request the amendment or removal of your data at any time by contacting the organisation detailed above.
If you do not agree to your data being stored, processed and used according to the details above, you must not register with this On-Line Ground School System.