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For every Course, we are able to provide you with your very own "Course Completion Certificate" for a given subject.
Your Certificate (per subject) becomes available after passing at least ONE of our on-line exams for that subject, and remains available thereafter indefinitely.
Your Course Completion Certificates are available for viewing, downloading and printing from the My Course Completion Certificates page.
Any third-party organisation can easily check the validity of your course completion certificate by visiting Certificate Validation and entering the unique certificate reference for that course. The system will check the validity of the certificate and present the information to the enquiring party.
These types of certificates only apply to courses that have an official theoretical knowledge exam by the Aviation Authority.
Before you are allowed to sit an official theoretical knowledge exam at an Approved or Declared Training Organisation (ATO or DTO), you will need to obtain an "Exam Readiness Certificate".
This is a certificate that is retained by the ATO/DTO as part of your official training record and proves that you are ready to take the official exam. If you do not possess such a certificate, the ATO/DTO will normally require you to spend some time with an instructor who will probe the depth of your understanding of the subject prior to issuing you with your certificate before allowing you sit the exam.
Using this Ground School system, we are able to provide you with your very own "Exam Readiness Certificate" for a given subject. This certificate can then be Validated, after which you are allowed to sit the official examination for that subject.
Your Certificate (per subject) is obtained by passing three of our on-line exams within the following time-based criteria:
You can select to view My Exam Readiness Certificates to check whether you have a valid certificate issued.
To check the status of your exam passes that count in order to make your exam readiness certificate valid, visit My Test/Exam History, and check the "Pass Validity" information. Remember that you must have three Exams (not Tests) marked as "Current" in order to have a valid Exam Readiness Certificate for that subject (course).
The validity of your certificate can be checked by visiting Certificate Validation and entering your unique certificate reference. The system will check the validity of the certificate and present the information to the enquiring party to then allow you to sit the required official theoretical knowledge examination.